GREEN MAN: Shoutout to our Patrons, Protagonists, and other micro-audiences

Thanks to all who visited our market stall at Green Man Festival's Einstein's Garden. Our pitch was:

"inspired by a PhD enquiry into embodied economics: in a time of recession, when looking at how and what we value as a society and as individuals is increasingly necessary, this project helps us look at how we inscribe actions and services with these values.

By setting up a stall in a Farmer's Market aesthetic, Ten Cents a Dance has in the past brought together artists, all 'selling their wares' - different 'price lists' of actions... Each encounter invites the audience/consumer to sit down and engage with the performer one-on-one, putting a whole new spin and 'getting to know your local grower.' "

For this festival, we offered you the chance to be our Patron Saint of Play by commissioning a one-page play to be written and worked on on the spot, an audiovisual handwashing experience, and various engagements with stories, music, and texts. We broke our backs during our 8-10 hour shifts on the market, but we came away from the experience 5 quid richer and with renewed interest in audience interaction.

If you received a receipt in the form of a small card, with a statement on the back, but didn't get a chance to respond or inquire about the project, please leave feedback on this blog, and feel free to ask questions. This is a research project for me and every little thing you say is helpful in its own way.
x the B