I've been up to mischief again! Teaching Performance Writing to undergraduates at Aberystwyth University this term, and absolute loving it. Making innuendos about "orality," encouraging our youth to thwart carpal tunnel with the wrist-strengthening properties of manual writing...what's not to love?

Some upcoming dates I'd like to share with you:

NOV. 25 - EVE struts the stage again, this time at Bawdsville Cabaret @ The Ram Jam Club (Kingston-Upon Thames, London) - more information on venue HERE . I'm excited to test out some new ideas (and new costumes) in a full-on burlesque context! Can't wait to meet those ladies down there.

DEC.1 - I'm thrilled to share my new work LEDA AND STRAUSS-KAHN (work-in-progress) at the Aberystwyth Storytelling Festival's Box season - a programme combining film and storytelling to see how they can interplay. More on that soon.