Nov. 25 - EVE SPEAKS @ Bawdsville Burlesque (Kingston, London)

Dec. 1 - LEDA AND STRAUSS-KAHN (work-in-progress) - Aberystwyth Storytelling Festival @ The Box

Dec. 12 - EVE SPEAKS + one-on-one confessionals - HATCH @Spanky Van Dykes (Nottingham)

Jan. 12 - EVE SPEAKS, supported artist as part of "The Theatre Machine Turns You On" @ Projects Arts Centre (Dublin, Ireland)

Jan. 25 - Leads vocals with gypsy jazz/chanson outfit HotClub d'Aber @ Red Dragon Theatre (Barmouth, Wales)

Feb. 1 - Cabaret @ Bristol Storytelling Festival (The Canteen/Hamilton House, Bristol)