Changelings, Compass, PSI, etc!

Thanks to all who came to last week's sell-out performance of the Changelings! If you liked that, please come to my latenight cabaret Eve Speaks from the Garden of Eden next Saturday Dec. 3, at 10pm in the Round Studio of Aberystwyth Arts Centre in Wales, as part of Aber Storytelling Festival! Tickets here .

I've just confirmed that yes, indeed, Ten Cents a Dance will be appearing as part of PSI 18 in Leeds 2012! At Compass Live Arts Festival this weekend, I'm planning on networking my way into some sort of relationship with a local Leeds-based arts organization,with the hopes that Ten Cents can appear both within the conference and in partnership with a city initiative! There are lots of cool things happening in Leeds at the moment, including the TimeBank I recently posted about, and I'm hoping to meet some interesting folks there.

Although it hasn't been confirmed yet, Ten Cents will also hopefully be appearing in a city near you very soon - there's rumors in the pipeline but I can't publicize until it's confirmed. More soon!